Public Call

Public procurement refers to the purchase by governments and state-owned enterprises of goods, services and works. Our agency has the necessary requisites to participate in tenders, which allows us to act on a large scale and collaborate with different realities. Winning a place on a long-term contract or framework agreement has a significant impact on the sustainability of our company, helping us to grow and expand our horizons.


Unione dei Comuni delle Madonie

PROJECT AIMA 14 – APQ MADONIE – Organizing the Community Tourist Destination

Project implemented under the National Strategy Inner Areas (SNAI) – Madonie thanks to the resources of the OP ERDF Sicily 2014-2020 Specific objective: To achieve competitive repositioning of the Madonie Inner Area through innovative product and service interventions. Implementation of targeted actions in the area such as the creation of themed television productions with national broadcasting, creation of a community map with printing and distribution, creation of a dedicated website with Booking Engine system for accommodation facilities and territorial promotion through social campaign.

Soprintendenza del Mare – Regione Siciliana

Progetto Ulysses

Palermo, October 17 / 20, 2017

Soprintendenza del Mare – Regione Siciliana

Progetto PS 2.2.04 CULTURAS – Cross-Border Cooperation Program ENPI-CBC ITALIA-TUNISIA 2007/2013

Palermo, July 2016

Soprintendenza del Mare – Regione Siciliana Assessorato dei beni culturali e dell’identità siciliana

Underwater Cultural Itineraries in Sicily – POIN Cultural, natural and tourism attractors.

Palermo 2015

PRESIDENZA REGIONE SICILIANA Dipartimento Regionale della Programmazione Area Affari Generali

OP Italy Malta 2007-2013 – organization of committees, meetings and seminars within the framework for Operational Program

Palermo, December 17, 2015

Soprintendenza del Mare – Regione Siciliana



Regione Siciliana Assessorato dell’Energia e dei Servizi di Pubblica Utilità

SEMINAR “Waste Management At An Industrial Site – Apq Balkan“

Palermo 2011

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